House No. 92: Tiny House Portrait
mixed media1.25 in. x .75 in.
092/365; 04/02/11
My sister's best friend from college, Stephanie, is visiting from Vancouver this weekend. She loves vintage clothing, and so I brought her to one of my favorite shops in Petersburg, Second Hand Rose. If you love vintage clothes, Gwen has a beautiful collection. You should visit. There is something from every era, at every price, and Gwen is very knowledgeable about couture. She will hook you up with the perfect Mad Men or flapper or Jackie O look. She has a broad selection of gents' attire as well.
One of my finds today was this beautiful little pin that looked just like a frame, and so I created a wee portrait of a house to fit in it.
The house belongs to a dear friend of mine, one of the most creative people on the planet. I love her house, and I wish I had her decorating sense. It is classic and wild and unique and beautiful all at once. I hope to do a collaboration with her soon for this project.
The paper that I used is lush repurposed paper from the pages of a matchbook calendar that my fabu cousin Christy gives me every year for Christmas. She makes them on her antique press on the loveliest cotton fiber paper. I always use the backs of the pages when I am through with them and tear them from the pack.
Iron Hill has never been portrayed more beautifully. xo