Saturday, July 9, 2011

House No. 190: Portrait of Home

House No. 190: Portrait of Home
undetermined size
190/365; 07/09/11
In addition to making a house everyday, I have a much bigger house project. It is over a hundred years old and about 3700 square feet of restoration project. When it was time to get some changes approved by our city's Architectural Review Board, I drew the plans that were part of the proposal.
Today I drew a simplified version of this drawing and started another collaboration on a house with Amy Black of Trademark Tattoo. She will be tattooing the this drawing onto my husband, who met with Amy today.
What kind of a good sport is he to get one of my daily houses permanently affixed to his person? That's my awesome werepanda!


  1. So this sounds like "matching" house tats? Do you both have tattoos already, or will these be firsts for either of you? I happen to be tattoo-free, but only because I have never stumbled upon that perfect image or idea that I want to be part of me forever. I keep expecting it to pop out at me, but it has yet to do so.

  2. Maybe not so much matching as coordinating? We both have tattoos already, but they are all on mostly covered areas of our bodies. This one will be going on Phil's chest, and mine will be going on my shoulder.
